Hell: Chapter 10
my leader led me by a hidden track
until I said, “Master, each ring of Hell 3
is known to you. Tell me, would it be hard
for me to speak with people in these tombs?
Their lids are off. No one is standing guard.” 6
“On judgment’s final day,” responded he,
“bodies join souls, the lids are clamped down tight.
These heretics thought Epicurus right 9
who taught souls die with bodies. What you say
is said for reasons you withhold from me,
but knowing them I’ll let you have your way.” 12
“Master, you understand my inmost thought
so why waste words?” said I. “O Florentine –”
this cry came from a fiery tomb nearby – 15
“O you who walk alive between Hell fires,
please pause and talk with me. Your dialect
proves you too are native of my city 18
to which I sometime showed hostility.”
In terror I moved closer to my guide
said, “What’s wrong? Did you not ask for this?
21See Farinata standing in his flame,
well-known to you by name, so speak with him.”
I gazed on one waist deep within his grave 24
whose face appeared contemptuous of Hell.
As I approached he gazed as hard at me
then, with disdain, asked who my people were. 27
I told him willingly. His eyebrows rose.
“My enemies!” he said, “They led those Whigs
I twice expelled.” “The Whigs came back,” said I. 30
“Your folk did not.” There popped up at his side
the face of someone risen to his knees
who stared about for one he could not see 33
then weeping cried, “Where is my son? Surely,
if poetry lets living souls through here
my Guido should be standing beside you.” 36
I said “A greater poet is my guide.”
“Then tell me, does he live and breathe sweet air?”
Because I hesitated to reply 39
he sank from sight with cries of great despair
while great-souled Farinata stayed erect,
with dauntless face continuing our talk. 42
“My family in exile still?” said he,
“That is a more tormenting agony
than are the pains of burning in this bed. 45
Not fifty months will pass before you know
the pains of exile too. Tell me the cause
that Florence and its laws are merciless 48
to members of a noble family?”
I said, “The blood you shed – that victory
staining a river red. It’s still recalled 51
and will not be forgot.” He shook his head
sighing and said, “My side had also cause,
but when the Tuscan aristocracy 54
would have demolished Florence utterly
my opposition stopped that happening.”
“May your descendants find a resting place,” 57
I said, “but what I cannot understand
is how you can tell what future years will bring
and not what happens now.” “ Defective sight,” 60
said he. “Heaven allows us light to see
what lies ahead, but nothing earlier.
News of today depends on visitors, 63
so after judgment day we dead in Hell
will have no memories or thoughts at all –
knowledge of nothing but our suffering.” 66
That horrid thought recalled me to a fault.
“Please tell the father who fell back,” said I,
“his son still breathes the air and is my friend. 69
Absence of mind alone made me unkind.”
I heard my master call. In haste I begged
to know who else was there. “A thousand plus,” 72
Farinata said, "Naming emperors
and cardinals." Refusing to say more
he sank from sight and I, pondering hard, 75
followed my guide again. "Why lost in thought?"
he asked. Said I, “A prophecy of pain –
exile from home.” “Remember that,” said he 78
and raised a finger, “this too! When you stand
in the sweet sight of she who cares for you
your life may look more perfect than you think.” 81
Leaving the wall we went across the plain
between the flaming graves that covered it
and down a slope toward the nether pit 84
from which arose a most disgusting stink.
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